Sunday, December 18, 2011


'let the music begin'


Twin Flame Heart Harmonic

by TWIN FLAME SACRED KEYS on Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 2:34am
 Deep within the well of the Soul lies the most beautiful song you could ever hear - the song of your own signature love and vibration. Since the time of the birth of your Soul, as an extension of Love from the Creator, you have expressed a pulse, a vibration that is your own signature song. Once your Soul extended itself into a female and male polarity, commonly referred to as a twin Soul or twin ray extension, you created then a perfect mirror and, what is called the "Twin Flame Heart Harmonic". What is a harmonic? Well, in musical terms, a harmonic is what is created when two sound waves come together in unison and create a third wave or pulse. 
This third wave or pulse is like the power of the saying 'When two or more are gathered in The Name" or "The Whole is greater than the sum of its parts". The two perfect mirrors, or twin Souls, have held this harmonic since birth in the higher realms and dimensions closest to the Union with One. 
At this time on the planet, preparations are being made on the Earthplane to anchor in not only your own personal twin flame vibrations, as a whole unit unto yourself, but in addition, the grid is being prepared to anchor in a 3D-5D Twin Flame Heart Harmonic. Remember that the Earth grid is founded on pulse and sound vibration. All filaments of Light, the web of creation, is a continual pulse. If you had the right equipment you could actually hear a symphony being played from all of the independent songs joining together in unison.
 But what of the ascension?
In order for planet Earth to ascend the Twin Flame Heart Harmonic must be anchored in. This is not only for the human species realm, but all of the animal, plant and mineral realms must, in addition, anchor in these harmonics for all is weaved together on the Earth grid. When the two Heart chakras of true Twin Souls come together on the Earthplane, an "entrainment" occurs. This entrainment is the anchoring of the Twin Flame Heart Harmonic onto the Earth grid. At that instant, the harmonic starts to pulse through the grid creating a spontaneous shift in the collective consciousness of the planet.
When many true twin Soul couples gather, each with their own harmonic, these harmonics will join to create a 'Super Harmonic" and the planet will be in Bliss!!
 An exercise to bring in your Twin Flame Heart Harmonic One may simply go into a meditative state within the Sacred Heart and ask to bring in the harmonic into your Heart chakra. This will be subtle. Imagine the pulse of the harmonic expanding out from your Heart center, into your merkaba, and into the very cells of your physical body. Breathe in and out the pulse of the Twin Flame Heart Harmonic. Once you connect with your twin in the physical, you will inevitably create the entrainment that will uplift your vibration a thousand fold.
Twin Flame guidance and Info

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Twin Flame Read - One for The Guys / Masculine Counterparts. . .

 Twin Flame Read - One for The Guys / Masculine Counterparts. . .

Whilst us women struggle to reclaim our Divine feminity on an emotional level, the men are seriosuly struggling with something they are mostly clueless about which seems to be effecting them on a very physical level in many ways. Alot of the men are now "manning up" as they step from the boy energy of attention seeking and neediness and look back at their own behaviour and attitudes towards women and realise (with no judgment this is just a statement of learnt behaviours) that they have been very wrapped up in themselves and not doing their part due to fear, ego concerns and the like. Due to the 11.11.11 gateway and the blast of Source energy the light is being shed on all the bullcrap in our lives as what we thought to be true about ourselves and the world dissolves and the one true reality reveals a very very different nature and story underneath. Once revealed of course we know where we stand and can ACT with integrity and truth on feelings that are our own and not based on the input and programming of others.

Soooo. . . onto the reading for the guys for tonight / now.

The Swan - A massive transformation is occuring now in a way that no longer can be denied. Once you wonderful men stop struggling and cease to keep yourselves where you are (ie - stuck) you will be catapulted into your new lives and full force and quite dramatically. If you are not conciously aware of this you could be in for a shock rather than a suprise! Alot of you maybe behaving out of character, balking against people trying to control you no matter how subtle. The smallest thing may trigger a massive response. Anger, rage, bitterness, grief are all coming up to be acknowledged, felt and released again and this time in a way you will take notice and act upon.

Spider - Creative Projects. - Now is a good time to look at wrapping up old projects and starting new ones. Pay attention to detail, make sure everything is finished to your satisfaction or just walk away and leave it alone.

The novice - There is a fresh start here, the feeling of being new and complete and ready and raring to go. It seems the masculine side is preparing them physically for a new journey and adventure, and one they are finally ready to undertake.

Truth - I feel here they have what they need in front of them now, and these guys need only walk over the bridge we feminine twins have laid down for them securely to come claim what is rightfully theirs.

Restriction - There is a need for rest here, and keeping things away from the eyes of the world for a while. Seclusion maybe indicated, but this is best taken where possible WITH your twin.

The Mystery - The universe is divinely timing and setting up the circumstances for the men/masculine to come forward in quite unexpected ways. We weren't to know about the how until the last minute so we couldn't interfere and get in the way Lol! The more aware men / masculine may have actually been planning themselves on how to get to their twins for quite some time and just waiting for the "right moment" to strike.

The Lady of The Lake - The men / masculine are now facing the ultimate truth - who THEY really are, and then in that they will find the courage to take responsibility for the role they have chosen as part of the twin flame re-union.Many have fought this for along time, but what is is what must be and the absolute truth is, if you chose to come here as part of a twin flame soul, then you chose all that comes with it.

Fear - Well kudos to the masculine counterparts for facing / being forced to face their biggest fears that whilst challenging will wake them up to who they are and help define for them their true nature. In the light of day the fear will dissolve and they will realise the only thing that held them back from being themselves was the belief of the fears they held.

The King - Woo Hoo! This is the men / masculine stepping into their FULL DIVINE MASCULINE SEXUAL ENERGY AND POWER!!! They are literally taking the throne of power and being the "MEN" they were born to be. Authority and a real sense of power which is wielded in a just and gentle way exudes from them as they allow themselves to be comfortable and even enjoy being "real men".


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Twin Flame Union: Divine Timing

Q. Divine timing is a big part of twin flame union, but if you have already met physically, does it mean 2012 is the reunion year?
A. Yes, divine timing is a huge part of the twin flame union, and in realizing this, so much a part of the journey is about allowing yourself to fully be in the moment, to allow yourself to FEEL all of the emotions (energy in motion) that is so much within this journey. What I mean is to witness the guidance of the universe and feel the love surrounding you in absolutely EVERYTHING, all of the moments that you may have perceived were “dark” have given you insight that you are now bringing into your life mission and all of your relationships. All that you felt brought joy to your life you are called to be in the deepest space of gratitude for, which enables you to see the perfection in the circle of all that you have taken part in, all of your challenges have offered you opportunities to grow, to heal, to create, to BE more deeply who you are. Each of your relationships and the moments of your life have helped you to remember the truth of who you are so that you can express that truth of who you are right now and all the time.
This twin flame journey is truly about constant surrender to the flow, to holding onto the love that is always present yet letting go of the need to explain or understand it all, to let go of the expectations that the mind can place on the time frame of full reunion (in all ways) so that you can truly get into the place of knowing that you have never been separated, that you are always connecting. Re-union means remembering that union (you and I as one) has always been the truth…in this, you are able to honor all of the steps along your journey, honoring you, honoring your twin (all of the choices and creations) which eventually brings you to the point of full immersion into your life purpose, individually and together.
I don’t like to place any particular time frame to the full reunion in all ways with ones twin, because each of your souls have your own intentions for your creation and union in this lifetime. Feel inside you what resonates with your particular souls agreement: be open and know that you can and will receive this information if you are willing and ready. I can tell you that the message that I have received is that now, nearing the end of 2011 and into 2012, many twin flames will be joining together merging in many different ways and forms, to help raise the vibration of this planet Earth, as this has been contracted or agreed upon on the soul level to happen at this time. It used to be known that it was rare for twins to come together in the physical on earth and that one would have to be in spirit guiding the other along, yet now since we have individually and collectively reached a point in our consciousness where full union consciousness can evolve more deeply, it is time for twins to share in this deep love by not only words, by not only loving others, but also by BEING in love energy vibration TOGETHER so that people can experience the words in action, and FEEL the love directly. You can relate this to the time when Jesus became a physical human to express the truth of Heaven and as he did, helped those who were ready to see that Heaven can be shared and experienced on this physical Earth plane, and what that Heaven on Earth truly was (and he did this WITH Mary Magdalene as his Beloved). Jesus was showing the importance of unifying the male and female polarities within and in relationship with the Beloved. It is now time for us to bring these messages of unity in all ways through the love and union of twin flames and it is happening…you will see this happening in rapid speed in increasing numbers of eternal love as the days unfold. Here’s a toast to fully immersing ourselves in the deepest waves of unconditional love and light that this planet has ever seen…and so it is.
Divine Timing, Twin Flame Reunion, Twin Flame Union, Unconditional love, Union Consciousness, Unity Consciousness

Friday, September 2, 2011

Pleiadian Love, Marriage, and Twin Flames

First, understand that the past, present, and future are simultaneous and can all be accessed. Many times things are explained as the way things are, but they are not explained in relation to timelines and how things are different in different timelines. I know that the Pleiadians (at least the planet I know about) had a timeline that was sort of like the 60s here on Earth where people changed partners and marriage was very unstructured and changing for some of the peoples (not all). It was not promiscuity in our typical view of the phenomenon. Pleiadians are known for their great love for one another. But it created a problem which manifested as a dwindling population and unstable families, so further along the timeline, they abandoned those ways and most, although not all, choose to stay chaste until marriage. Marriage is still completely a private decision between the couple on this timeline, and is simply chosen. No marriage licenses or permissions, etc., are required. The couple simply chooses to be husband and wife and consummate their love. Pleiadians are completely sovereign in their personal decision making, although because of their love, their decisions do consider other community members.

However, on this newer (or more future) timeline there are options to have marriages sanctioned by the Pleiadian High Council (and each planet has their own High Council with sub-councils). There are political reasons for this, although they are for the benefit of the peoples, not to their detriment and it in no way represents a hierarchy. It would be difficult to explain the philosophical basis behind this but I will do that another time. Typically, the couples most concerned with this sanctioning want to serve their people.

Further along the timeline the Universal High Council (which not many earthlings even seem to know about) sanctions marriages - thus, they can potentially have triple sanctioning (personal, Pleiadian High Council, and the Universal High Council). Technology allows couples to test their "energy match" - that is, if a couple decide to marry, it can be shown if they are a true match (what people on earth call "twin flames," but in reality there are multiple good matches in terms of energy).

Twin flames on earth are simply couples whose energies match up (like a lock and key), are already married further along the timeline and have come back in time to assist with this intervention on earth. So what we have is, Pleiadian sanctioning is basically just the community saying, yes, we honor your marriage and your choice. It is not too difficult to get sanctioning at that level, unless there is some mitigating reason it would not be approved. It is very difficult to get Universal sanctioning because there has to be the energy match - which confirms that the couple is divine, God-ordained, and true cosmic partners.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Stargates and Portals to the Golden Age - MagentaPixie2012

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Twinflame and the Law of Gender

Published June 12, 2011 All Articles 2012 , Law of Gender , Twin Flames 3 Comments
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Please repost with this link at the top: Reposted from The Awakening Website
At the moment you were created, there appeared a droplet of pure Light – a Twin Ray of Light. This Creation then immediately divided into two cells. These two cells are exactly the same in every way, except that one is male and the other is female. They are Divine Compliments of each other, in perfect balance – the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine.

He created them male and female and blessed them. And when they were created, he called them ‘Man’. Genesis 5:2
Law of GenderBefore you incarnated here, you and your Twin Flame agreed as to which one of you would play the role of the observer and which one would play the warrior role on Earth. This is your soul contract.
You who are reading this now have been a warrior for the Light. You have come through the densest forms of Creation to raise it all back to Eden. Your Twin Flame has been watching your process as you’ve been living your Earth life. As the observer, they are wise to the many difficulties you have overcome.

As you embarked on the journey of ascension, you incarnated with the veil in place as your flame maintained the awareness that they would be rejoining you in this lifetime, in the physical realm.
Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair. John 12:3
The Love that exists between you and your flame is a very high frequency. Sexuality is the natural expression of that Love. And it is the energy, called kundalini, that can be awakened during that expression.
If the kundalini energy succeeds in rising up to perfect your higher centers of energy, it will produce various degrees of spiritual awareness. The result is an enLightening expansion of consciousness that affects every element of your being, from your biological functions to your personal relationships, to your concept of reality, to your influence in the world. Kundalini is a gift. It’s your life force.

Then the Eyes of both of them were opened. And they realized they were Naked. Genesis 3:7
There are rites of passage through which a person can go in order to ignite this gift. But the key to awakening it during the sexual act is intent.  Sexuality is a priceless gift in the attainment of Christ Consciousness. It’s the tantric approach.
And the two will become One Flesh. So they are no longer two, but One. Mark 10:8
There are nuclear dynamics that are involved in the sexual act, which erase the conflicts that exist within the physical body. The resulting atomic fusion then releases the secrets that are locked within each and every atom. This fusion changes the frequency vibration of the mental body, which allows for direct communion with God through the ‘third eye‘ perception.[i]

The Divine Law of Gender states that gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes. So it will be the merging of the Divine feminine and the Divine masculine within every one of us that will set Humanity free and create Heaven on Earth.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Daily Meditation: Friday, May 6, 2011.
"Men and women seek each other out; they instinctively feel
something will be missing as long as they have not found someone
to be united with. But for human beings, the only true union that
can take place is the inner one with the divine Principle, which
each person carries within. When contact occurs, there is a
spark, and all of a sudden they feel their whole being vibrating
as one with the immensity and merging with it.
Work to achieve this experience of merging at least once in your
life; it will be like a drop of light living on within you. And
then you must continue to maintain this union until all knowledge
and all powers are perfected in you. That is where true work
begins; once you have gone over to the other shore, you are on
the path of perfection, but there is still a great distance to
cover before reaching the goal. You have captured a drop of
light, and, thanks to this drop, you can drink now, you can
rejoice. But you are still not immersed in the ocean. So, you
must keep on going until you become one with the ocean of divine
light. Only then will you have truly found yourself."
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Romance in the New Energy

Romance in the New Energy
a message from Stefanie Miller - A Magical World

Tuesday, 3 May, 2011

We’ve entered a new energy where everything may look the same, but, in actuality nothing is as it appears. If we even so much as attempt to do things in the old way and expect the same old results we are mistaken, therefore, our relationships are shifting. Those that were not based on a high integrity of consciousness, mutual love, respect, and kindness either fell or are in the process of falling by the wayside or else both parties in the relationship must take a vibrational leap to the next level in order for it to endure. If we’re onboard to go to the next level of conscious awareness the only way we can get there is drama free and with purity and peace.

Those on the spiritual path often times experience many challenges and setbacks when it comes to romantic relationships. As we are in the process of growing and changing we tend to outgrow a potential partnership before we can grow into it. Our frequency fluctuates as we are in the process of transformation, making it difficult to find someone on the same wavelength as us. While we are going through the shifts it is challenging to form a deep, long lasting connection with someone who may also be undergoing the same process or is not working on themselves.

The law of attraction draws partners to us that reflect what we are feeling and wanting to experience. Lightworkers tend to be rescuers and enablers until they work on healing that issue inside of themselves. They tend to fall for someone’s potential rather than what they are actually capable of giving and being. As old patterns, beliefs, and actions/reactions are healed and transmuted we are able to attract a loving spiritual partnership that is on our vibrational frequency.

Soulmate or twin flame relationships aren’t always the easiest ones. There is a strong attraction and a feeling of knowing one another on a deep and profound level. Oftentimes these are the relationships with the most issues and conflicts as we make a soul contract with another being to work on healing and resolving issues in our lives through the assistance of a familiar soul to play it out with. These relationships can be so intense that I prefer to focus on attracting a mate that is my beloved spiritual romantic partner.

My friend and I were chatting about what we were looking for in a mate. She mentioned that she always made sure he believed in God and thus was spiritual. I explained to her that was way too vague! Many of us believe in God, but our perception of what God is may be quite different based on our religious or spiritual backgrounds and beliefs. For me, a spiritual partner would be someone who was has a loving, kind, gentle spirit though we may come from different lineages. He must have a deep love and respect for Mother Earth and all her inhabitants.

The way to manifesting true love is by taking care of ourselves and showing love and respect to our loved ones, thus we find someone who does the same. As we repair or heal the dynamics in our relationships with family members and friends that are dysfunctional, the energetic dynamic leaves our cellular memory and we no longer attract it. Fueling our body, mind and soul with positive things and loving ourselves unconditionally brings love that mirrors what we are feeling inside.

I’ve gone through a few years of a lot of turmoil. Though many things are not actually resolved, I’m finally feeling happy and content since I made the decision to let go. I released my expectations of how things should turn out. I’m happy despite what the outer appearance of situations may be. If we are only happy when we have everything we want just the right way, we’d only be that way for short periods of time and we cannot experience love when we are only seeking perfection. Perfection is an illusion of perception.

A conscious loving relationship would include being respectful, trustworthy, kind, dependable, open hearted, loving, and caring. Of course it would also include passion, laughter, enjoying each other’s company, having fun together, not take life and circumstances too seriously, and overlooking the little things.

We are coming into a time of connecting with our beloved partner. For those of us who have spent many years focusing on our spiritual path, will find that the time is growing near to be in a long-term romantic relationship, if that is our desire. We spent so many years connecting on a higher level that all the wisdom and growth we achieved can be applied in a loving relationship. We are ready to attract true love, the call to love is the call to experiencing Source through a soul connection with a beloved partner.

We are finally reuniting with our soul families and being guided to our beloved partner (or the relationship we are currently in is being raised to a higher vibration through pure intent), situations are being resolved and we are being aligned with the place and way we can best serve our destiny. The way we can raise the vibration of the planet is by making changes in our own lives and the highest and greatest way is through the power of love. As we open our hearts to greater capacities to give and receive love we are healed and made whole.

In all the years I’ve been a healer I’ve noticed that those on the spiritual path have an easier time giving then receiving. The front of the heart chakra is wide open to giving love and of themselves, however, the back of the heart chakra located in the middle of the back tends to be closed due to difficulty in allowing others to give to them. In order for any relationship to be in balance it is essential to give and receive equally, though not necessarily in the same way. We give what we have and what the person may need at the time. Being able to receive or even ask for help when we need it, accepting compliments, and allowing our partner to nurture us are some of the ways we can be open to receive.

Love has the power to heal away all of our old hurts and wounds. We have all been wounded in many ways through our life experiences. Being vulnerable and opening up to a beloved partner can be healing to the soul. I’m not referring to a co-dependent relationship where we lose ourselves in another person and expect them to make everything better for us or for us to fix them. It’s about taking the relationship we’re in to the next level or entering one and experiencing a mutually loving and nurturing partnership.

Romance in the new energy happens when two beloveds come together, who have already worked on healing their own issues, have self esteem and respect for themselves and others, and are ready to experience true love in a deep and authentic way.


Dear God,

I’m ready to experience true love. I know love is all around and within me. Love is the elixir that soothes and heals the soul. I’m ready to attract genuine love on a higher level. Weave me into the person that I want to attract. I release my old patterns, wounds and beliefs so that I can expand my perceptions and find new ways of being in relationship with another that are more conscious, mindful, and loving. I open my heart and mind to experience deep, everlasting and abiding love.

And so it is.



Friday, April 29, 2011

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov - Twins

Daily Meditation: Friday, April 29, 2011.
"Even after several disasters and disappointments, how many of you
insist on believing it is not your understanding of love that is
defective; it is simply that you haven’t met your twin soul yet!
As if happiness were just about meeting someone… Unfortunately,
that is not how things happen: a twin soul does not appear as a
man or woman you meet by chance and it’s love at first sight. The
meeting with your twin soul is, first and foremost, a psychic
process, whereby the higher part of you attracts its
complementary part. You need to have worked for a long time and
shown yourself worthy of your divine half. But when you have
finally established the connection, you feel him or her there,
living inside you.
Do you truly wish to find your twin soul? Begin by not going
looking for them. Concentrate on the light, and your twin soul
will come of their own accord, attracted by the light they see
shining from you. You may not know where your twin soul is, but
they know where you are. Be content just to wait inwardly: they
will come."
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Twin Souls/Twin Flames


The circle with the word "SOUL" in it depicts one Monad from one of the Soul Groups containing 144,000 Monads. Each of these Monads in the "Soul Group" contains a total of 144 individuals. Each Monad divided into 12 branches which are called "Oversoul Souls". Then each "Oversoul Soul" broke down into 6 sets of twin souls or flames. Upon the final descent into matter, each of the six sets made the final and very painful separation into male and female twin souls or flames.  You and your twin soul or twin flame together are one of these pairs of 6 in your primary soulmate group. The other 5 sets of twins in your primary soulmate group are known as your "near twins". Since each Monad, as depicted above, contains 144 individuals in total, the other 132 outside of your primary soulmate group in your Monad are known as your secondary soulmates.

Sometimes when one meets a "near twin" in life, they can easily mistake them for the one and only true twin soul or twin flame. However, if the one and only true twin soul or flame steps into the picture eventually, the confusion is readily cleared up because there is no mistaking the true twin flame. Your intuition will let you know in no uncertain terms. There is a feeling of spiritual love and awareness unmatched by any other love you may have felt in the past.

Upon ascension, we again begin to reunite with our brothers and sisters.  According to Kushi, "upon becoming human, we then start to return to Infinity, through an outward-moving spiral of decomposition and spiritualization, melting personal and individual entities and once again achieving union with the Eternal One or Source".  We become one with our Source or God again and from what I understand there is not greater joy for us to experience. We as humans cannot even begin to comprehend this level of joy!

St. Germain explains ascension as a process of moving further up back through the hierarchies and dimensions until we eventually reach the source again. The first step is to realign with our twin souls, then the individuals in our primary soulmate group a.k.a. "near twins" and the remaining 11 secondary soulmate groups in our Monads, etc. In a channeled message through Paul Yandeau entitled "St. Germain on Himself, Soul Groups, etc.", from Spiritual, St. Germain states that "as members of a Monad take on greater Light in their mastery of remembrance, they contribute to the Soul Group's greater Light in its mastery of remembrance, and as the Soul Group evolves in taking on greater Light, it too, takes on greater amounts of Light to evolve in its mastery of remembrance".

As more and more soulmate constellations begin to reunite, through the process of spiritualization, we will continue to ascend back up through the hierarchies and dimensions until we all reach the source again, the highest dimension of all and the state of perfection. St. Germain also tells us that if all of the universal truths and knowledge were made known to our finite human minds at one time rather than gradually, "our finite human minds would blow a fuse". Therefore, spirit gives us the pieces of truths that we can handle and once we integrate these into our consciousnesses, further truths are revealed to us. This is a never ending process until we once again reach the state of perfection.  Our planet will be experiencing a huge evolutionary leap in consciousness in this New Age. Our planet as a whole will be ascending from 3rd dimension to 5th dimension. The Mayans predicted this end of the old reality as we know it to commence on December 21, 2012. Their calendar ends on that date.

Edgar Cayce has prophesied that by the end of this New Age of Aquarius, we will be a completely telepathic civilization. This is a 5th dimensional state of being.  Many light workers are currently in the process of ascending and they in turn will help others to ascend. As we enter this new Age of Aquarius, also known as the "enlightened era", these ancient truths will be coming back into the light and out of the darkness. Many twin souls are beginning to align with their counterparts as well as their higher selves. This process is currently underway. however, it is just in the beginning stages. We will be returning to our pre-fall state when we were one with our spiritual twins and our higher selves and had full consciousness and awareness of our spiritual identities.

This is the plan that the higher forces have for our planet in this new age. We will be entering a "New Reality". But this will not happen overnight. This is a process and not an actual event. It is gradual but inevitable.  It is important to point out that it may not be the plan for you to realign with your twin soul in this particular lifetime. This is determined by divine timing and the plan for your individual twin set. Your twin may not even be incarnated on the earth plane at this point in linear time. Or your twin may be a child or even a baby somewhere on the earth plane. Your twin could even already be in the ascended state in a higher dimension, waiting for you to join them. There are no cut and dry situations when it comes to twin souls. However, any spiritual work to align with their higher selves that either twin does will naturally "elevate" the other and this will help to expedite their eventual reunion. Rest assured that you will be reunited with your twin in divine timing. Twin souls are eternally connected to one another by a silvery/blue cord which can NEVER be severed. We are also connected to our higher selves by a similar silver cord which is attached to our crown chakra.

There is another reason that Twin souls are coming together at this particular point in our earth's evolution. According to Dr. Maurie Pressman and Patricia Joudry in their groundbreaking book, "Twin Souls, Finding Your True Spiritual Partner", "it is believed by many that humanity is on the brink of a quantum leap in consciousness. Enlightened people are preparing themselves for this in their own ways, realizing it is time for us to awaken to our origins and our potential and take responsibility for ourselves and for the earth. We believe that twin souls have a special contribution to make; their coming together in numbers at this time has a reason at both the individual and planetary level. When twin souls join, they generate a vortex of energy that may be seen as a light in the darkness of society's unconsciousness.
In completing each other, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts: the two create three, and the third is a very potent force, a force of light and love at an extremely pure level. This kind of energy, which partakes of the energy of both twins, is different from that of individuals or even groups of people working together. It is the special offering that the twins have to give to each other and expend in service to humanity. The image we see is that of a dark auditorium lit by an increasing number of individual flames. Each flame represents the conscious and harmonious relationship between twin souls. Eventually, as the twins multiply, there will be so many flames, so much light, and so much energy of that particular sort on the planet that this will act as a catalyst and help to bring about the expected breakthrough of consciousness".